Funny Intro to Room Represenitive Speeches

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Being a member of the student council can help you help your school. However, it takes hard work to get into the student council. You need to craft a good speech that gives your classmates incentives to vote for you.

Sample Speeches

  1. 1

    Find an attention-grabbing opening statement. To begin your speech for student council president, you need to begin with a strong, attention-grabbing opening. You'll likely be giving this speech during school hours, so your classmates' attention spans might be a bit strained.

    • Do not merely start by saying, "My name is ___ and I'm running for student council." Your classmates will already know as much and this is not really a unique statement. There will be time to state the basic information after you've got the class's attention.[1]
    • You can open with a question. Something like, "If there was one thing you could change about this school, what would it be?" Or a question that adds some humor, like, "I know what you're thinking. Why should I listen to this person?" and then proceed to lay out your credentials. Quotes on leadership, power, and guidance would also make good openings. However, make sure to double-check your sources and especially if you're finding quotes online. Many online quote databases, like Quote Garden or Brainy Quote, sometimes attribute quotes to the wrong sources.[2]
    • If you're stuck, look up and read famous speeches. You can find many speeches from presidents, world leaders, civil rights activists, and others online. Pay attention to how they opened their speeches and ask yourself, "Was this interesting? Do I want to keep reading/listening? Why?"[3]
  2. 2

    State the basics. [4] Once you've gotten your audience's attention, you should state the basics. Talk briefly about who you are and why you're running.

    • State your name and grade in school. This may feel somewhat unnecessary if you go to a small school, but it's considered a formality. If you're missing this part of the speech, you may end up looking sloppy in comparison to other students.[5]
    • State what you want. That is, what you're running for. Do you want to be the president, vice president, treasurer, secretary? Even if you think most students are aware of what position you're running for, make sure you state it here to remind them.[6]
    • Try to keep this section brief as it's not as important as your qualifications and plans to improve the school. Even one sentence would suffice. For example, "My name is Ramona Hart, I'm in the 11th grade, and I'm running for treasurer of the student council."


  3. 3

    List your qualifications. Perhaps the most important part of your intro is listing your qualifications. Students need to know what they have to gain by voting for you.

    • Any accomplishments relevant to the position warrant mentioning here. If you're running for secretary, for example, talk about your summer job filing papers in your uncle's law firm. If you're running for student council president, talk about your leadership experience being captain of the swim team.[7]
    • While this section is important, try to keep it minimal. A couple of sentences laying out your qualifications is enough as the body of your speech is where you should spend the most time. For example, let's go back to the above example. From there, we could say, "I am currently enrolled in advanced placement algebra and I have been an honor roll student for three years. This knowledge of numbers and diligence qualifies me to have responsibility for finances for our student council."[8]
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  1. 1

    State your main ideas on how to improve the school. [9] You should have at least three ideas you feel would benefit your school and classmates. This gives your classmates the incentive to vote for you and shows you want the position as an opportunity to help others.

    • You should list your ideas and then expand on them later in the body. It might take a bit of research to figure out what you want to change. Ask around the school, talking to students and teachers, and see where there's room for improvement. What are the concerns of the students? What are people happy with regarding the school? What would they like to see change? Asking these questions can help you get a sense of your audience and community.
    • Remember, you should not make promises you cannot keep. Do not say anything just to get elected. While many students might want gum-chewing policies eliminated or for the lunch period to run twice as long, this is probably not necessary or possible. Try to focus on areas that seem important to keep your school running safely and efficiently. Concerns about things like bullying, academic standards, and extracurricular activities should be your concern over fun and games.[10]
    • A good opening statement for your body would state the causes important to you and what you plan to do about them. For example, if you were running for president, you could say something like, "I understand we need to improve how we handle bullying, increase interest in extracurricular activities, and expand access to AP courses throughout the school. As your president, I would work to bring in speakers to talk about sensitivity in the classroom, increase advertising for basketball games and quiz bowl tournaments, and start a tutoring program to help students struggling with certain subjects."[11]
  2. 2

    Find support for those ideas. You should do a little extra research in addition to talking to classmates and teachers. Have some specific plans on how you would enact change in your school.

    • Using the school library or computers, figure out the best means to tackle certain problems many schools face. How have other schools dealt with bullying? Poor test scores? Low interest in extracurricular activities? What can you reasonably do as a student council member to address these problems?[12]
    • You do not have to have a point-by-point plan laid out, but a few sentences on some preliminary ideas can help you stand out from your peers. People are more inclined to vote for someone who's thought about how to solve problems in addition to identifying problems.[13]
  3. 3

    Keep your ideas short but very strongly worded. Your body should be about two paragraphs of 5 to 6 sentences each. This might sound brief, considering how much information you'll have to get across, but you have limited time and must keep people's attention. It can help to write more than you need and gradually cut down your speech to the bare essentials. This will help it to be shorter meaning that students won't get bored when listening to your speech.

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  1. 1

    Reiterate your main points briefly. When you reach your conclusion, briefly go over your main points.[14] A one to two-sentence summary of your plans as president should start your conclusion. Something like, "With my experience and passion, I believe I could be a great leader. I promise to do my best to curb bullying, increase student interest in the school, and increase overall academic achievement."[15]

  2. 2

    Emphasize your benefits to the audience. You should emphasize your benefits to the audience one last time. However, do so differently than you did in the initial introduction.

    • Do summarize, briefly, your qualifications but do not put the main focus on them. This is where you should sincerely state your passion. Students should not just vote for you because you'd do a good job but because you genuinely care about the school. State your passion for your community and how much you want to see other students succeed. Lots of students have high qualifications. You can set yourself apart by being a candidate who really cares.[16]
  3. 3

    Ask the audience for their vote. The last part of your speech should be a sincere request that the audience votes for you. Try to come off as humble. Instead of saying, "I expect your vote next Saturday!" say something like, "I would be honored if anyone of you chose to vote for me next Saturday."

  4. 4

    Have someone look over your speech. Have a friend or family member, or even a teacher, you trust to take a look at your speech.[17] Ask for honest feedback, even if it's negative. You should write your speech, at least, a couple of weeks before the election so you have time to have a few people look it over and give you advice. You should even give them a number-based answer from 1-5.

    • Research what other student council speeches are like on video websites. This could help give you ideas.
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  • Question

    How can I memorize a speech?

    Patrick Muñoz

    Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association.

    Patrick Muñoz

    Voice & Speech Coach

    Expert Answer

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    The easiest way to memorize a speech is to map it out for yourself. Figure out your speech's major intention and memorize the key points. When practicing, try using flash cards or recording yourself and watching it back.

  • Question

    Should we say somethings about ourselves?

    Community Answer

    It depends on the purpose of the speech. If you are running for student council, then yes, your speech should tell people about yourself. If your speech has nothing to do with you directly, then you do not need to talk about yourself unless you feel a personal anecdote will better your main point.

  • Question

    Can the speech be long?

    Community Answer

    It shouldn't be, because the audience likely will stop paying attention. If you insist on making it long, make it entertaining by adding stories or making it different.

  • Question

    Should I say my name?

    Community Answer

    Yes! It might be a good idea to introduce yourself with your name at the beginning of your speech, and repeat your name at the end, ie: So if you'd like a new playground, vote for Jane Doe! This way, people will know who to vote for. If someone loves your speech but doesn't know your name, they won't be able to vote for you.

  • Question

    How can I persuade people to vote for me as school council?

    Community Answer

    Tell them that you have experience, what sorts of changes you would make, or tell why you would like this position.

  • Question

    How do I make my speech funny yet professional?

    Community Answer

    Start by writing a serious, professional speech from beginning to end. Make sure it includes all the points you want to make. Then go back over it and let your sense of humor take over.

  • Question

    With shall I begin my speech? The students expect something cool for their attention and have bad attention spans.

    Community Answer

    Use a quote, or search up 'Speech One Liners' to start of with something funny to grab their attention. Find things that are current and fit with the cool things everyone identifies with.

  • Question

    How do I come up with things to improve when writing a student council speech?

    Community Answer

    Take a survey. Surveying your peers or teachers about what they would want to improve in the school is a great way to come up with ideas others can relate to.

  • Question

    What if I don't have past experience being a leader? I'm sure they will ask about that.

    Community Answer

    Emphasize as many other qualities you have as possible. If done correctly, the audience probably won't ask and will focus on these qualities. I have done a similar thing before.

  • Question

    Can I include my promise in it?

    Community Answer

    Yes. You should definitely include what you promise to do - just remember not to make it too unrealistic.

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  • Only promise to do things that you really can do.

  • Practice reading your speech a few times, as you'll likely be nervous before giving it.

  • Write what you care about. You need to have engaging topics that draw your audience's attention.

  • Don't be silly throughout the whole speech. This will make people think that you are not responsible enough for the position.

  • Don't look down on your paper too much, look up at the audience![18]

  • Show passion while you are talking.

  • You could add a quote from a former president or leader of some sort.


  • Even if you write a great speech, understand you may lose. Be prepared to lose graciously and sincerely congratulate the winning candidate.

  • Unlike in a governmental election, student council candidates should not attack each other, previous leaders, or other students. Otherwise, you could get into trouble and leave a bad impression on voters.


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Article Summary X

To write a student council speech, start with an attention-grabbing statement such as a question or a powerful quote about leadership. Next, briefly explain who you are, what position you are running for, and why you are running. Then list any relevant qualifications, such as a summer job. In the body of the speech, discuss at least 3 ways to improve the school. For this section, make sure not to make any promises you can't keep. Finally, end by briefly reiterating your main points and asking for the students' vote. To learn more about how to support your ideas and research for your speech, keep reading!

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